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November 2022 - Posts
It’s inevitable: winter is coming. In preparation for the cold and snow, the City of Timmins is reminding residents of winter by-laws that will shortly go into effect.

The winter overnight parking ban takes effect on Tuesday, November 1 and helps ensure that Public Works can complete snow removal operations and keep Timmins’ roads safe and clear. From November 1 until April 30 any vehicle parked on the street between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. will be subject to a $50 fine and the vehicle may be towed at the expense of the owner (unless you are in an area exempt from the winter parking ban).

The City of Timmins will inform residents of winter road maintenance with temporary “no parking” snow removal signs (yellow and red in colour), posted before snow removal begins. A weekly snow removal schedule will also be posted online at and shared to the City’s Facebook page. Remember to look for signs posted on your street to ensure parking has not been restricted in your area.

The City of Timmins Snow By-law 1993-4162 provides guidelines for clearing snow from your property. Snow must never be placed onto the street or sidewalk. Moving snow from your driveway onto the sidewalk or street can create various safety hazards, obstruct pedestrian traffic, or obstruct the view of drivers. Even a small amount of snow left on a sidewalk can cause accessibility issues for some our residents.

And finally, if you plan on installing a temporary structure such as a winter car shelter, you will require a permit from the City of Timmins. A seasonal structure permit is just $15. Approved seasonal structures can be erected between October 1 and April 30. You will need to submit an application (available online at, your site plan, and payment to Service Timmins.

For additional information, contact Service Timmins at or by phone at 705-264-1331.
Posted by Amanda Dyer  On Nov 01, 2022 at 9:08 AM
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