City Land Sales

City Land Sales

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Request for Proposal - Municipal Surplus Land Opportunity - Confederation Arena - 303 Cameron Street South

The Corporation of the City of Timmins (City) is contemplating the sale of a key piece of municipal surplus real estate. The City is interested in exploring the level of public interest in purchasing this land based on the receipt of detailed proposals from interested Proponents. The Property, known as the Confederation Arena, is located at 303 Cameron Street South (as hereinafter described, the “Property”). There is a one storey building and playground equipment on the Property. The irregular-shaped Property has a frontage of 70.49 metres (231.26 feet) on Dalton Road, an approximate depth of 160.88 metres (527.85 feet) adjacent to Cameron Street South, and an approximate area of 10,823.53 square metres (116,503.50 square feet). The location of the Property is depicted in the map below:

Figure 1: Property Location

Confederation Arena location map- 303 Cameron Street South

For additional information and a detailed copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) concerning this opportunity, please visit the City of Timmins Bids and Tenders website (Bid No. 1130). If Proponents do not have an account, one must be created. Proponents who will be submitting a proposal must register as a plan taker for this RFP. If the Proponent is not registered as a plan taker for this bid, the submission will not be considered. RFP submissions (hereinafter, a “Proposal”) can only be accepted through the Bids and Tenders website and not to City staff.

Interested Proponents are asked to submit their Proposal to the City of Timmins Bids and Tenders website (Bid No. 1130)  no later than 2:00 p.m. (Timmins local time) on Thursday, March 13, 2025.

The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Proposals. The City will not accept any Proposal received after the deadline set out above.

Posted by David St.Onge  On Feb 04, 2025 at 4:16 PM

WHEREAS pursuant to City of Timmins By-Law No. 2023-8855 which sets out policies and procedures for the sale and disposition of municipal land.

AND WHEREAS Section 6.0 – Accountability, Transparency and Public Notice Requirements, requires that in considering a sale of City owned land, the land must be declared surplus to the needs and requirements of the municipality and prior to the land sale, notice of the disposition of the surplus lands posted on the City’s website and advertised in the local newspaper for two consecutive weeks. The purpose of such notice is to secure any comments from the public respecting this proposed land sale to be considered by Council so that Council may consider, and if applicable, incorporate into an implementing by-law.

AND WHEREAS the Council for the Corporation of the City of Timmins considers it desirable and expedient that the described land, identified as Plan 6R-9358, Part 12 (Part of Roll No. 5627-010-092-11500) be declared surplus to the Corporation’s municipal requirements and a portion of the said land be sold directly to Peter Beaucage Sr., in trust, hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser, subject to the following conditions:

  • That the subject land be sold for $88,554.92 plus HST. This price includes the land sale price of $87,663.25 and a survey cost of $891.67;
  • That the Purchaser acknowledges that the subject land is located within the cost recovery area indicated in Cost Recovery By-Law 2011-7133 (as amended). As such, prior to a building permit being issued, the Purchaser shall pay the cost recovery fee of $49,147.50;
  • That all expenses for both the Municipality and the Purchaser related to this land purchase, including but not limited to the legal and registration costs shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser;
  • That the Purchaser shall have six months to finalize this land transfer, otherwise this land sale shall be null and void; and
  • That this direct land sale shall be approved by Council by-law.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Council of the Corporation of the City of Timmins does hereby declare the following described land as being surplus to the Corporation’s requirements.

Mountjoy Con 2, North Part of Lot 6, Plan 6R-9358, Part 12, Parcel 24763 SEC
Mountjoy Township
City of Timmins
District of Cochrane

St. Jean Avenue property location map


Letters of support or concern with regard to this land sale will be received by the undersigned up until Thursday, February 6, 2025, 4:00 p.m. and will be presented for Council’s consideration.

Under the authority of the Municipal Act, 2001, and in accordance with Ontario’s Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA), all written submissions, documents, deputations, correspondence, emails or other communications (including name and address) provided for public consultation are considered part of the public record. Please note that by submitting any of this information, consent is being provided to use and disclose this information.

Please contact the undersigned if you require further details .

Dave St.Onge, Community Development Planner
Corporation of the City of Timmins
220 Algonquin Boulevard East Timmins, ON P4N 1B3
705-360-2600 Ext. 3347 / [email protected]

Posted by David St.Onge  On Jan 29, 2025 at 11:16 AM
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