City Council has approved a second segment of Connecting Link construction this summer, which means the west end of Timmins will be getting a sidewalk along a busy stretch of Riverside Dr.
The unanimous approval to move forward with rehabilitation of Segment 2 of the Connecting Link, will see work completed west of the Shirley St. intersection to Government Rd. In addition to stripping existing pavement, grading and compacting the base, and re-applying a fresh layer of asphalt, work will include installation of a cement sidewalk between Shirley St. and the Government Rd. intersection.
This stretch of Riverside Dr. has been a topic of conversation, with increased foot traffic running between the Timmins Square retail mall and the busy Walmart corner. A sidewalk will improve safety and make accessing commercial properties along Riverside Dr. more accessible.
Motorists can expect lane reductions as construction work moves north and south, with possible congestion, but no lengthy road closures. Commercial vehicle trucks will still use the Shirley St. turn to connect with the standard truck detour along Laforest Rd.
This is the second stretch of the Connecting Link being completed this summer. Additional funding from the province’s Ministry of Transportation means that the work schedule has been moved up. Road closures for Segments 6 and 7 are already in place along Algonquin Blvd. west of Elm St. and east of Preston St.
For more information on Connecting Link construction, visit
Amanda Dyer
Motorists can prepare to detour for Connecting Link construction starting Tuesday, April 25. The City’s contractor is in town this week staging traffic controls for two detours that will divert vehicles off Algonquin Blvd.
Algonquin Blvd. will be closed to all traffic east of Waterloo Rd. and west of Elm St. with a small section from Preston St. closed to local traffic only. Motorists should be prepared to stop at temporary traffic lights and/or stop signs along each detour route.
A temporary 4-way stop will be in place at the intersection of Theriault Blvd. and Vimy Ave. and a temporary 3-way stop will be added at the intersection of Vimy Ave. and Mountjoy St. N. Temporary traffic lights will be used along the southerly route on Cameron St. S. at Commercial Ave. and on Commercial Ave. at Mountjoy S. Cameron St. S. and Wilson Ave. will remain the regular 4-way stop.
Commercial motor vehicles will continue to use the standard truck detour from Shirley St. to Lafleur Dr. and onto Laforest Rd. before connecting with Hwy. 655. A temporary speed reduction of 50 km/h is in effect along Airport Rd. from Laforest Rd. through the area of the Kraft Creek Bridge.
This year’s Connecting Link construction will see work from segment 6 completed through the Mountjoy intersection, before work on segment 7 begins. The Mountjoy intersection will be re-opened to traffic before crews start on the next section extending to Cedar St. Once again, work includes full-depth reconstruction of the roadway, replacement of underground services like water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer, and pole relocation. This is the second year of the three-year plan to prioritize the downtown Connecting Link route.
Sign up for Connecting Link updates at and stay up-to-date on the latest construction news.
Amanda Dyer
Work is proceeding along segment 6 of the Connecting Link, which runs from Mountjoy St. to Theriault Blvd.
This week, crews are completing sidewalks, some soft restoration, and feathering in paving on side streets. Next week, electrical is scheduled (traffic signals and street lights). Line painting is also planned.
We anticipate that the remaining work will take approximately 3 weeks to complete. Algonquin Blvd. will be fully opened from Mountjoy St. to Theriault Blvd. at that time.
Amanda Dyer
We have been asked if Algonquin Blvd. E. will be open this winter. Yes, Algonquin between Theriault and Mountjoy will be paved and it will be open before winter.
Current construction on the Connecting Link will end at Wilcox St. Road work east of Wilcox, including the Mountjoy intersection, will be added to the 2023 construction season.
The construction activity this week includes watermain, subdrain, grading, concrete curbs, sidewalks, and paving as weather permits.
This construction is part of a three-year Connecting Link project from Theriault to Brunette. It is a massive undertaking and we appreciate your continued patience and cooperation.
Amanda Dyer
Please be advised that contractors will start controlled blasting in the Connecting Link construction zone beginning Monday, Sept. 12. 2022. Blasting will be on-going until further notice and will occur Monday to Friday between 7am and 7pm.
Controlled blasting is being done to remove bedrock from pipe trenches located from Preston Ave. moving west towards Mountjoy St. This is to facilitate continued installation of underground infrastructure along Algonquin Blvd.
Noise and vibration in the area are to be expected. Contractors will work to control dust from blasting activities.
Controlled blasting is being done to remove bedrock from pipe trenches located from Preston Ave. moving west towards Mountjoy St. This is to facilitate continued installation of underground infrastructure along Algonquin Blvd.
Businesses and residents in the area have been notified by contractors.
We appreciate your continued patience as we work towards project completion.
Amanda Dyer
Please be advised that water will be shut off in the area surrounding the Connecting Link construction zone along Algonquin Blvd. on the evenings of Sept. 12 AND Sept. 13, 2022 beginning at 9:00 p.m. and for a period of approximately 9 hours.
The shut off area is specific to the construction zone site and will impact businesses and homes along Algonquin Blvd. between Theriault Blvd. and Mountjoy St. including the Preston St. apartments, extending up Rea St. N. immediately behind the grocery store and Hollinger Plaza.
This is necessary to work on water infrastructure in the construction zone.
When the water flow returns, you may experience discoloured water. Before using the water, it is recommended to run your cold-water taps for a minimum of 10 minutes until the water runs clear. You may need to do this once water is turned on from each disruption.
Residents and businesses in the area have been notified by contractors.
Thank you for your continued patience as we work towards project completion.
Amanda Dyer
Connecting Link update for August 30, 2022. Crews are currently working on the intersection at Preston St. All new infrastructure at Preston St. and Algonquin Blvd. is complete. Crews will start the disinfection procedure on the new watermain system this week. Hydro One will be moving services from old utility poles to new poles within the work zone. Once this is complete, the old utility poles will be removed and crews will complete the subdrains and start preparing for curb and sidewalk installation from just east of Theriault Blvd. to Preston St.
Work in the Beer Store parking lot has been finished and paving is being scheduled.
As we head towards the Mountjoy intersection, we are expecting to hit bedrock and may have to blast. You can see some of the existing rock formation on Algonquin by the Senator Hotel. A pre-blast survey has been completed by the contractor with all area businesses and residents in the area.
Finally, with the downpour we got last night, crews had some minor pumping of the excavation site this morning, but it won’t have impact on work progress.
Amanda Dyer
Construction on segment 6 of the Connecting Link corridor continues with City contractors working on watermain and sewer infrastructure beneath Algonquin Blvd. Work is currently being completed between Rea St. and Preston St. moving east towards Mountjoy St.
The full segment will have complete reconstruction of the roadway, replacement of underground services, pole relocation, and curb installation.
Timmins Police Service has recently issued a couple of traffic advisories related to the southern detour along Commercial Ave. Motorists have been reminded that the “no left turn” signs on Wilson Ave. and Mountjoy St. S. should be adhered to and will be enforced and that the small section of Mattagami Blvd. S. at the bridge remains one-way. It is not part of any construction detour this summer. Motorists bypassing construction should continue to use the proper detour routes and be prepared for short delays.
Amanda Dyer
Construction on segment 6 of the Connecting Link corridor continues with City contractors moving forward on storm, sanitary, and watermain infrastructure beneath Algonquin Blvd. To date, watermain work is completed up to Rea St. S. moving east from Theriault Blvd.
The segment between Theriault Blvd. and Mountjoy St. will have complete reconstruction of the roadway, replacement of underground services, pole relocation, and curb installation.
Motorists bypassing construction are encouraged to use the proper detour routes. While there will be some congestion, each route was designed to redirect a higher volume of traffic off Algonquin Blvd. as efficiently as possible. Motorists should be prepared for short delays. City contractors will be adding additional detour signs along the southerly route, flashing beacons at all temporary stop signs, and signage indicating a 4-way stop or all-way stop is ahead. Line painting crews are also scheduled this week to add stop lines and crosswalk markings for temporary stops.
Amanda Dyer
After one day navigating new detours past Connecting Link construction, the City has some tips for residents to help keep traffic moving.
Two detour routes are now in place that navigate traffic north or south of the construction zone between Theriault Blvd. and Mountjoy St. The northerly route takes Theriault Blvd. to Vimy Ave. back to Mountjoy N. Two new temporary stop signs are in place and the City is adding additional flashing beacons ahead of each stop to alert motorists. The southerly route takes Cameron St. S to Commercial Ave. back to Mountjoy S. Three additional traffic lights have been added and synchronized to reduce stops and move vehicles.
Both detour routes were designed with engineering consultants to optimize traffic flow. Traffic was diverted to Commercial Ave. this year because it is an approved truck route and provides a more direct line through Mountjoy S. to Second Ave. Temporary no left turn signs have been added along the route to prevent traffic congestion, particularly when turning left from Wilson onto Mountjoy N. All temporary traffic signs and signals are enforceable under the Highway Traffic Act and should be adhered to.
One recommendation is for motorists to make use of both detours depending on travel direction. Drivers heading west towards Timmins Square are encouraged to use the northerly route along Vimy with an easy right turn off Algonquin Blvd. at Mountjoy. Drivers heading east back towards south end can use the southerly route along Cameron St. S. and Commercial Ave. with a right turn off Algonquin Blvd. at Theriault. By using both routes, traffic congestion will be further minimized.
Motorists are also reminded to help keep intersections clear. If traffic is delayed at an intersection, it is advisable to not enter the intersection until you can completely clear it on the other side.
Full details on Connecting Link construction including detour maps, adjusted Timmins Transit stops, and stages of construction can be found at Residents can also sign up for Connecting Link alerts to stay up-to-date on construction progress.
Amanda Dyer