Stage 1:

Algonquin Blvd. will be fully closed to traffic between the east side of Theriault Blvd. and just west of the Mountjoy St. intersection. During Stage 1, all underground work within the full road closure limits will be completed including new watermain installation, new sanitary and storm sewer installations and road build-up to granular surface before work proceeds east of Preston St.
Mountjoy St. will remain open until construction activity encroaches on the westside of the Mountjoy intersection.
Motorists will be detoured northward along Theriault Blvd. to Vimy Ave. proceeding to Mountjoy St. N. The southward detour route runs from Cameron St. S. to Commercial Ave. proceeding to Mountjoy St. S.
Stage 2:
Algonquin Blvd. will be fully closed to traffic between the east side of Theriault Blvd. and just east of Mountjoy St. including the Mountjoy St. intersection. Mountjoy St. intersection will not be closed until the underground work is completed up to the west side of the intersection. During Stage 2, all underground work within the full road closure limits will be completed. Surface work will be completed including concrete curb and sidewalk, entrances, boulevards, asphalt paving and above ground electrical.
Motorists will be detoured northward along Theriault Blvd. to Vimy Ave. proceeding to Mountjoy St. N. The southward detour route runs from Cameron St. S. to Commercial Ave. proceeding to Mountjoy St. S.