A Brief History of the Timmins Fire Department

The Timmins Fire Department has
been protecting and serving The City
of Timmins and surrounding areas for over 100 years. The Timmins Fire Department was
born out of the tragic 1911 fire in South Porcupine. Early
mining settlements were constantly faced with the danger of fire. These
communities, which suddenly blossomed in the virgin forests, usually consisted
of wooden buildings and had practically no fire protection. After the devastating
fire that caused $3 million in property damages, claimed the lives of 73 and
destroyed South Porcupine. A meeting was held with interested citizens and it
was concluded that the community needed an organized fire-fighting brigade.
The original Fire Department consisted of Chief Ken Delong and
approximately twenty volunteers. In the early days, the fire equipment did not
consist of much, a steamer pump and old hand reels was all the equipment they
had. 1916 was an active year for the Fire Department. A new fire wagon was
purchased, and the first street alarm system was installed. A new fire hall was
built on the corner of Cedar Street and Fourth Avenue; this location was used
until 1957. In 1957, the Timmins Fire Department moved to its new location 133
Cedar Street South, which is still operational today and functions and the main station and office for the department. As the population in the Timmins area grew, new neighborhoods and communities sprouted. This created a demand for new stations to meet the needs of residents. To date, the Timmins Fire Department has expanded to 7 total stations, beyond the composite station (Timmins), Whitney, South Porcupine, Schumacher, Mountjoy, and the Victor M. Power Airport. Over the years new
equipment and the newest fire-fighting technology have been added to the force.
Thus, allowing the force to better respond to any emergency. In addition to the latest technology, equipment, and firefighting techniques, new stations, and new
staff and positions have also been added such as a full-time Office Manager,
Training Officers and Fire Prevention Officers.
See the side tabs for historical photos, vintage newspaper articles, and more!